Letters from Robert James Henderson, January - June 1916 - Part 2

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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151 Pral and fast Have later pacade but only a Church from being unable to hear a parce spokent so but in the will walina lan flying leing us Received some letters above and papers a few days ago very welsome which were eemm to be comeng The sarlt sow. Hana have been Regalarly Cales for a week away in yet back. Went how. he so not awery with Lf Barlow in connection with comforts of kit backs believe it will be no choubt a great trif for him all a nce hobder, expect when he somes back will writh ud let you know all about it Bye the bye Billey Barton is yn a Captain labe a first
Bssay has Reclet And torareakoond seceivet tho afternoon severed last Saturdling into thmnailed of us went tikes and event we all hereo sitte arend the for a good wes vely fredy edvel which had a and interesting had to careny puncture and who drets lighten a Sparene to ats one the merchine every sete on so but that was wither here for there provking one to use bad langeage only. In the evening we event to the pictures, and snt wald standing th French translation, being rotlen they were very enjoyable. Hoe sre news at present lots of long to ald sot
Mouscar 30.1.16 Dear Mick Have just come in from church lueacie whed was more or las a farce those who were not near the parson being lenable to been. a wod however it is a beautiful day and thore who could not interest themselves in the in the service t put time by watching the tactice of a French plance which was us. Hane has directly tell above where he had returned from Carro a great holidley spending about £20 in a week also met plenly of meses & girls he new but subpose he will write and let you all know about it. Received the billy from home at last on 26th Janney also huddings all the
(3) contents were in excellent order except pgs itc which were arind the puddings they were all mildewed but do not think the pridding were affected intend to have them for dinner to da to shall know later. All the dainties were great we have been living like lords for the of days. Aleo received last conple a beautiful hamper from the office with all sorts of nice things have first acknowledged shme in letter to Parry. All our ballation cowforts accived a few days ago till fane every thing was muchly appreciated and lots of useful stuff I think ther was a shalk then vest for nearly everyone in the battalun socks cle in gale
12 Have just had a yarm to Leshe Henly he lette me Reg Bull he received his commission in the dental corps war very pleased to hear the news quees he will be doting on it. They are fitting us all out with new who is short clothe and any bol same so at I staff is getting next sone will looks as if our be to England I hope so shall be glad of change from Egght. also received a very sweet letter from a Mirs Pavies o Chesere England who stards with Mhy dear Bot. and end yous very sincered M. Hobe Yavres always known as thope the says all sorts of nce thinge and promises us a good time what with this promise and the other
as letter from Tulsey we shall be time if ever a good in cart. We haven we not the old had a very heavy week at but quite interesting galloping into desnt saddert action accoss the the infanty clo ats also some good range practice with the geans. Tell Gline Ten Corney a not yet back with us received & letter of a plen of eaks him from Levery Cowdery shall hang on to sam tell he comes back. Ihe wore news at preend all po lots of lone to
Monscur 12.2. 16 My dear Mur Have very little news for you all we are still in the same spot working very hard on the desert all day murches and at times all night. Lust week has been a little easies we had a afternoon Yesterday to the lake parade Surmming 2 ules from which is about here the water was on the cold side but very enfoyable There were some cheeky migger boys on the beach who also in one opinion chargell too much for them oranges so we picked them up with their oranges and them into the water thress
(2) from for this caused all sorts of us but of course they could not see the joke. Have just been talking to tank he has been on guard all night and was in bed. Sir. Henley told him he expects his Mother & sister to pass through here tomorrow on then way to Alexanders he has obtained leave to be with them for some time. which will be great for him. An Austialian mail has come in but did not get any letters or papers. Saw Telegrabh dated January net which contained some eather interesting accounts of the evacuation from the penensular a few things on the correct but not quite account. whole a goot

later. Have just come in 
from Church parade but only a
farce being unable to hear a
word spoken. So put in the
time watching a plane flying
above us. Received some letters
and papers a few days ago
which were very welcome.
The mails seem to be coming
regularly now. Nana has been 
away in Cairo for a week 
now. he is not yet back. Went
away with L/T Barton in connection
with comforts & kit bags I
believe it will be no doubt 
a great trip for him and a 
nice holiday expect when he
comes back will write and 
let you know all about it. 
Bye the bye Biddy Barton is
now a Captain Leslie a first 


Lieut. and Sgt Murray has
received his commission.
Last Saturday afternoon several
of us went into Ismailia
we all hired bikes and went
for a good ride around the
canal which was very pretty
and interesting I had a 
puncture and had to carry
a spanner to tighten up nuts
etc on the machine every
mile or so but that was
neither here nor there provoking
one to use bad language
only. In the evening we
went to the pictures and 
notwithstanding the our French
translation, being rotten they were
very enjoyable. No more news
at present lots of love to
all Bob




Dear Mick
Have just come in from
church parade which was more
or less a farce those who were
not near the parson being
unable to hear. a word however
it is a beautiful day and those
who could not interest themselves
in the service xxx put in the
time by watching the tactics of
a French plane which was
directly bel above us. Nana has
returned from Cairo where he had
a great holiday spending about
£20 in a week also met plenty
of nurses & girls he new but
suppose he will write and let
you all know all about it. Received
the billy from home at last on
26th January also puddings all the


contents were in excellent order
except figs etc which were around
the puddings they were all
mildewed but do not think the
puddings were affected intend
to have them for dinner to-day
so shall know later. All the
dainties were great we have
been living like lords for the
last couple of days. Also received
a beautiful hamper from the
office with all sorts of nice
things have just acknowledged
same in letter to Parry. All
our battalion comforts arrived
a few days ago tell Jane
every thing was muchly
appreciated and lots of useful
stuff I think there was a sheep
skin vest for nearly everyone in
the battalion socks etc in galore


Have just had a yarn to Leslie
Henley he tells me Reg Bull has
received his commission in the
dental corps was very pleased
to hear the news guess he
will be doting on it. They are
fitting us all out with new
cloths and anybody who is short
of stuff is getting same so it
looks as if our next move will
be to England I hope so shall
be glad of a change from Egypt.
also received a very sweet
letter from a Miss Davies of
Cheshire England who starts
with My dear Bob . and ends
yours very sincerely M. Hope Davies
always known as Hope she says
all sorts of nice things and
promises us a good time time what
with this promise and the other


letter from Surrey we shall be
in for a good time if ever
we hit the old dart. We have
had a very heavy week's work
but quite interesting galloping into
action across the desert supporting
the infantry etc etc also some
good range practice with the
guns. Tell Jane Jim Corney is
not yet back with us received
a pair of socks & letter for
him from Lucy Cowdery shall
hang on to same till he comes
back. No more news at present
lots of love to all  Bob.




My dear Mum
Have very little news
for you all we are still in the
same spot working very hard
in the desert all day marches
and at times all night. Last
week has been a little easier
Yesterday afternoon we had a
swimming parade to the lake
which is about 2 miles from
here the water was on the
cold side but very enjoyable
There were some cheeky
nigger boys on the beach
who also in our opinion
charged too much for their
oranges so we picked them
up with their oranges and
threw them into the water


this caused all sorts of fun for
us but of course they could
not see the joke. Have just
been talking to Nana he has
been on guard all night and
was in bed. Les. Henley told
him he expects his Mother
& sister to pass through
here tomorrow on their way
to Alexandria he has obtained
leave to be with them for
some time. which will be great
for him. An Australian mail
has come in but did not get
any letters or papers. Saw Telegraph
dated January 1st which contained
some rather interesting accounts
of the evacuation from the
peninsular a few lit things
not quite correct but on the
whole a good account.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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