Letters from Robert James Henderson, 1915 - Part 5

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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1w1 the hand thee Pyrmie, Sphins, Moynes Museum the river tile & such like tripe were Egight we went to Lemnos simply great. From E Island where we were hung up for 3 weeks on the ship. Coming across from Alexandria we picked up 4 boat loads of survivors from a corpeoded vessell which was only 3 hours ahead of us so that things were a bit exciting for awhile this verssel also had 2000 bage of mail for the peninsular which was very bad luck for us all over here letters are scarce enough without losing same in this manner. Kindly remember me to all my fellow employees & if Mr Turks bullets continue to 90 close only one may some day have the good fortuneo you all again trusting the company will have a prosperous year ahead and also wishing you the compliments of the season I have the honor to be your obedent Servat. KHendersn 18
Sel At 5 12 30 Min Yea W2 way our on are boat on Eguht 6 to again. travelling the to belonging 10000 tons about had you have Allen Suppose line about the reports sets all las the kenense from evacuation well we Every the taken 000 loops 140 bling about without nights 2 days Sir away Genl Wluchine the casuallies any l last the at 00 cte beastiful wh 6 get scld last the night moonlight away Sell Section every there mbarked at time specified the M all inconcions purk like would blezen away was mong l he though what hen know
4 there was tone he disevered bayouits great fin setting had that t 40 ground ele on den out then filled anyone when all boud Ther a would in left misages were of sorts tak the wishe the augonts Seasond t Leve the kom the negt lang all Dolo ete n 40 there it about fortnigh hall to glad Am a and place dreary Lopne her it Although away get t the leaving away sneaking fellows the Gileves all the of deppre before suld fell who 4 4 be the for C whs adl will ive wwhert to ing abn emones soits of t also Lindlon ohen X Can tee Sece'y 8 legkl r on leave as fut ther so cays a for fen 4 in
od hand 6 to Can o that not as of clear up and fiel We nend where ave mead 90 Lemns Aslod Christins spent at thinking self ge Both Hane all home and ou at about would all you what discussing guied t very doung 6 be had tea of consisted dinner Our day a and checr and prseuts day boxing beer On of pint S. Australe billie from uceived we appreciated aalh mce they very were we did at greatly but every were own our from ong5 the receive they where knows goodners State on received We also to swent fene west a the sheep shen parcels seen Lave & best of the one cgarettes) socke soap chocholate the 40 appreciated who greatly etc hawbers not received the Leent office suppose the home from tomef to Ane 6 adl list they fde nce indeed it was ilse fine thinking his wife Parry + receive not soery I did very and no ince things which the all would have Lambers thore doubt Leninos Received letters at held. Billy t Yeams from home by will 880 Bull + Bull hear to all Lory later answer bad feet ang gad that of be they will hope again surf mush the Again shortly gooll at the great been have we penensieler the old shot on every wate 2 Rents of about got nan 40 can 3 days you then en le were the statt were on things Island the hoke tosoever very little better out out new ry a to get Fell Po Egght again to Gelting seek from away went wlll W. A cancer with fn the benensuler they
er Some of her where with back yet teme write will Mnd health such thing well but i compay the 2 n few Mr soon agan selt in the very leeting do 2 for at love bes lit know be Some peese al to Bs

other hand the Pryamids Pyramids, Sphinx, Mosques 
Museum the river Nile & such like trips were
simply great. From Eghpt Egypt we went to Lemnos
Island where we we were hung up for 3 weeks on
the ship. Coming across from Alexandria we picked up
4 boat loads of survivors from a torpedoedal torpeoded
vessel which was only 3 hours ahead of us so that
things were a bit exciting for awhile this vessel also
had 2000 bags of mail for the peninsular which
was very bad luck for us all over here letters 
are scarce enough without losing some in this
manner. Kindly remember me to all my fellow
employees & if Mr Turks bullets continue to go close
only one may some day have the good fortune to see
you all again Trusting the company will have a 
prosperous year ahead and also wishing you the
compliments of the season
I have the honour to be.
your obedient. Servant.
R J Henderson


At Sea.

Dear Mum
We are on our way 
to Egypt again. travelling on a boat
about 11,000 tons belonging to the
Allen line. Suppose you have had
all sorts of reports about the
evacuation from the peninsular.
Everything went off very well.
about 140,000 troops being taken
away in 2 days & nights without
any casualties. The Machine Gun
section were about the last to 
get off. it was a beautiful 
moonlight night & the last night
there every section moved away
at specified time & embarked.
Mr Turk all unconscious of the
move was blazing away would like
know what he thought when


he discovered noone was there.
We had great fun setting bayonets
tins etc in the ground so that
when anyone pulled them out
off would go a bomb. Then all
sorts of messages were left in 
the dugouts wishing the Turks
the compliments of the season
etc. in all sorts of language.
I had about fortnight there it is
a dreary place and am glad to
get away although it hurt some
sneaking away leaving the gear
all the graves of the fellows
who fell before still suppose it
was for the best do not know
where we will go next all
sorts of rumours about going to
London then to France also 
fighting on the Suez. Canal.
but so long as they leave us 
in Egypt for a few days.


so that one can have a good
feed and clean up I do not
mind where we go next. We
spent Christmas at Lemnos Island
Both Nana & self were thinking
about you all at home and
discussing what you all would
be doing We had a very quiet 
day. Our dinner consisted of tea
biscuits and cheese. and a
pint of beer. On boxing day
we received billies from S. Australia
they were very nice and appreciated
greatly but were sorry we did not
receive the ones from our own
State goodness knows where they
went to. We also received our 
parcels the sheep skin vest is a fine
one of the best I have seen &
the chocolate cigarettes socks soap.
etc was greatly appreciated. We 
have not received the hampers 
from home & the office suppose
they are lost or gone to someone
else it was indeed nice of Joe
Parry & his wife thinking of me
and very sorry I did not receive
all the nice things which no
doubt these hampers would have
held. Received letters at Lemnos
from home. Mrs Dennis, Billy
Bull. & Mrs Bull. will try &
answer all. later. Sory to hear
that Dad's feet are bad 
again hope they will be OK
again shortly the surf must
have been great at the good 
old spot on the peninsular We
got about 2 pints of water every
3 days so you can imagine
the state we were in. then
on the Island things were
very little better however hope
to get a new rig out on
getting to Egypt again. Tell Dot
old W.A. went away sick from
the peninsular with cancer in the


ear or some such thing do know
where he is but will. not be
back with the company for some
time yet. no more news at present
will write soon again love to all.
Nana & self in the best 
of health feeling very fit.

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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