Letters from Robert James Henderson, 1915 - Part 4

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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At Sea November 14th My dear Muns At present on board the Argyllshire going to I do not know where Lemnos Island I suppose the sea is beautifully smooth and everything very peaceful. Had a good trip down in the from Cairo to Alexandria about a 5hrs run train through miles & miles of country covered passing coint a cotton. We embarked last night with got away early this morning. I hope to and up Mana shortly but do not know whether pick he has left Lenmos Island for the front yet or am asixious to see if he has any mait not me. Thank father for sending the money along Sir so promptly had no difficulty in getting it and as I have had the last week free to do as I have I pleased it came in very handy they call details that been attacled to what wouveled etc who are is men from the hospitals front. these wrew of course readly to go back to the do not dull or do any work so that the past week has been a great lonf for me however I the real thing very shortl shall be in It is great to be at sen again so coot now
the me after Eight it is as hot as and there in the day time and always sand devil sand to gaze upon came away in a terrible hurry had dinner in Caro on Friday night and made arrangements to go to the thestre on Saturday night and a trep out- all day on Sunday with one of the Sisters but alao it was not to be when arriving back in cawh at 10.30 has o Friday night we got notice to be ready to leave on Saturday morning at 6. 0 clock took me until 1.30 am to pack and get ready other but wished to do a great many o thigs if bag with allowed Left my black time had into Cooks spare clothing with a chek to take again to Egght get back so that if I ever of course wear clother to some I shall have with you into the much you cannot take you take in never comes little what trenches your thres 10 naturally of with you Aul tnet left with the military are you leave behind them. Have no more news at that is the eull present Hoping you have an excellent X was & New Year at Whhufried & lots of joy shall be Love Colsf thinking of you all Bob
Remnos IIsland Harbour 2111 15 Dear Mun is a great change from Egyht here. The It wind weather has been bitterly cold with gales of & have we arrived here last Tuesday night blowing stuck on board in the one spot for I been days doing nothing awaiting further orders. Have been of Auction bridge & every other glive playing a lot one can. think of will be glad to get a move on now it is getting monotonious strik in the me exciting trip coming shot doing nothing. Had a rather half lowered serely from Alexandria life boats all bout boads from for trouble we picked up 4 a ship that was sunk by a submarine 3 hours ahead of us to you can inagine thives were only meddlling that day however we arewell here without any further trouble. There are all sorts Agnitanca which is a hospital boats here from the ship to the smalless distrnyer it is greet to ships dodging in & out protecting & see these Lad convoying ships etc. Somemne thought they right to my blanket than myself last a better
to her about his nibe weat night is that when was an rercoat and a 11 iclock all I had -was very cold & hard on waterproof sheet is I exhect Someove else will be the bare boards do not intend to be. All short tonight for I tobaces + wits of money is being offered for egarettes on board but the money is no gool notting to sell in that line hope they will stock up again if we are to stay here much longer. Will there is absoluted nno wore news the week but stall probably have some next letter all good wishs for a bright & merry Xwes + Bob love New Year lts of from Mank yet? do not know Have you heard where he is also have hall no letter since September hope every ltig is of
Gallipoli 12-12. 14. Dear tand & family Have at last reached my destination and am agreeably suprised with it and the conditions existing so far the weather has been glorious & the food good. I was very glad to see Mane again he is looking excellent and getting as fat as a beg also Leslee is ok and looking well. and the rest of the boys in our compeny are all fit & doing well some have gone away sick & so forrth but not so many as one might have expected have. had some letters here for me which I enjoyed having as you can imagine having had no news whatever since September. I am attached to the Muchine Gun section of the 13th Butt. & find the work very interesting the qun positions & count the controlled by them & support given to our chaps in the truncher ate makes one think of the very excellent work these machine guns do in fact it would be impossible to do without them tank & self of course have different duties but my dugout to is very close to his & we see quite a lot of one another. Of course one loses the temporig rank hell when you arrive here but do not mind in the least in fact it is quite nice to be a private again
I waat write to the office and get them to make my money up tell mick I shall instruct them to pay any money due to me into my earrent account R.S. W Annandale. Was very glad to get at bank Lemnrs Island was only on shore 2 days away from being on guard 26 hours received 10 miniter and after notice to pack up and be ready to leave in half an hour which did not leave one very much time we had to march about 3 miles to the boat loatted with 48 hre raturie 120 rounds of ammunition rifle & other gear then when we landed on the peninsular had to chiit hills for about 3 1/2 milec from the beach to a point called Durrats Post where the wth bregads are at present situated with all our gear so that when we arrived there at 3 o'cock in the morning every one was quite glad to drop their blankets anywhere on the hill & turn in The wese of bullets & shp shrapnel notwithstanding the closeness of same to ones person had not the slightest effect on ones slaep The bullets whir all over the place here but one does not every or take any notice of same every body doing their bit in a most cheerful manner. Have had a couple of games of brielge here already played for 1/- 100 & won 8/- the second night I was here then last night Iog laught the school how to play Auction 190L
E p M £
tile & mean wes leutiy wougth to en 1o we played until 130 midnight I then went on duty until 3o 'clock in the molning & when that time arrived was feeling fit for a good sleek which I had. The boys enpoyel the auction bridge & reckin they will not play the ordinary quive again Have not received any parcels or papers here yet but the thinge you have sent may yet cime & will be greatly appreciated a ship containing 2000 bags of mail recently so that loses of that for here was sunk nuture of they occur too often would account for many things going astray however it is all in the gamne When sending another parcel over I should be glad to have some paper, envelops, a lack of cards & bridge seveer also some chocolate but by time this letter reachee you we might be anywhere however you never know your luck & if Johny Turks bullets go close only & one remaine in the present state of good health I shall still being going strong. Mne tells me Reg Bull is over here away around on our right if I can manage it one of these days we are going to take a walk o see him Lishic says him & says he s going strong lost some weight but otherwise OR. Well dear I shall try and write regularly & let you know the newe trust you are all olf we are always talking & thinkeng you all lots of love to every brty Bot.
Gallipoli 12.12.15 Mr Younghue Dear Sir. Have at last after going through varied experience reached my destistation for the time being now and am going to strong against Mr Johnny Turk I find things very interesting & at times most esceiting there we are at present holding Turrats Port which is situated about 3 1/2 miles from the beach and although bullets & sheapnel whis around close to takee any notice but just one at times no one We make ourselves, very goes on doing his bet comfortable here while off duty a all living in dugonts which are let into the sitle of the hill I they can be made very comfortable & nice with your own lettle fire-place etc. In fuet-we have had several visits to one anothers dugonts where we play bridge & have small suppees etc not quite the same as an evening out in Austialr but nevertheless most enfoyable and novel. I am at present attached to the Muchine Gun section of the 13th Bett. & find the work most interesting & exciting. There gune are absolutety indispensable and the good work done here by then them is astorieshing. When jouning units here. all the
of cause start thei sank and Suimbrement N.C.O. lore over again as privates this was not made clear to one in Austialea but when reaching this side of the world. one learns all sorts of things in connection with the militay business that have nwer been heard of in Australia. I jouned my cnet here on the 7th of December 1913 & from that date ay hay will be that received by a private namely 6/- fer day. If I remember aright the company are making up the difference to £3-6.0 her week. this being so I shall have some money due to me & shall be obliged of same is paid into my current account with the bank of U.S. W. Annandule Lyclory. If of course I have the good fortune to improve my position & Colonel I shall become a Mechme gun expect or span have pleasure in letting you know of same however shalf to do my bit to the best of my ability in I hav whatever capacity. I had quite a good stay in Eyght before coming over here & some opportunities of getting around & seeing things the place is most fascenating & interesting as well as instructive cairo is a wonderful place in many respects but in my opinion a most immort place in fact I have seen things which unless one actually did see them one would never beleeve such things went on. On the

At Sea
14th November

My dear Mum
At present on board the Argyllshire
going to I do not know where Lemnos Island I
suppose the sea is beautifully smooth and everything
very peaceful. Had a good trip down in the 
train from Cairo to Alexandria about a 5 hrs run.
passing through miles & miles of country covered
with corn & cotton. We embarked last night 
and got away early this morning. I hope to
pick up Nana shortly but do not know whether
he has left Lemnos Island for the front yet or
not. am anxious to see if he has any mail
for me. Thank father for sending the money along
so promptly had no difficulty in getting it and
as I have had the last week free to do as
I pleased it came in very handy. I have
been attached to what they call details that
is men from the hospitals wounded etc who are 
ready to go back to the front. these men of course
do not drill or do any work so that the past
week has been a great loaf for me however I
shall be in amongst the real thing very shortly
now. It is great to be at sea again so cool


and nice after Egypt it is as hot as the
devil there in the day time and always sand
sand to gaze upon. Came away in a terrible
hurry had dinner in Cairo on Friday night and
made arrangements to go to the theatre on
Saturday night and a trip out all day on
Sunday with one of the Sisters but alas it
was not to be when arriving back in camp at
10.30 pm on Friday night we got notice to be
ready to leave on Saturday morning at 6. o'clock
took me until 1.30 am to pack and get ready
but wished to do a great many other things if
time had of allowed. Left my black bag with
spare clothing with a chap to take into Cooks
so that if I ever get back again to Egypt,
I shall have some clothes to wear of course
you cannot take much with you into the
trenches & what little you take in never comes
back out with you and naturally if your things
you leave behind are left with the military
that is the end of them. Have no more news at
present Hoping you have an excellent Xmas &
New Year at Wakefield & lots of Joy shall be
thinking of you all

lots of love


Lemnos Island Harbour.

Dear Mum,
It is a great change from Egypt here the
weather has been bitterly cold with gales of wind
blowing we arrived here last Tuesday night & have
been stuck on board in the one spot for 5
days doing nothing awaiting further orders. Have been
playing a lot of auction bridge & every other game
one can think of will be glad to get a move
on now it is getting monotonous stuck in the one
spot doing nothing. Had a rather exciting trip coming
from Alexandria life boats all half lowered ready
for trouble we picked up 4 boat loads from
a ship that was casp sunk by a submarine
3 hours ahead of us & you can imagine things
were only middling that day however we arrived here
without any further trouble. There are all sorts of
boats here from the Aquitania which is a hospital
ship to the smallest destroyer it is great to
see these ships dodging in & out protecting &
convoying ships etc. Someone thought they had
a better right to my blanket than myself last 


night so that when his nibs went to bed about
11 o'clock all I had was an overcoat and a
waterproof sheet it was very cold & hard on
the bare boards I expect someone else will be
short tonight for I do not intend to be. All
sorts of money is being offered for tobacco &
cigarettes on board but the money is no good
nothing to sell in that line hope they will
stock up again if we are to stay here much
longer. Well there is absolutely no more news this
week but shall probably have some next letter
All good wishes for a bright & merry Xmas &
New Year lots of love Bob.

Have you heard from Nana yet? do not know
where he is also have had no letter since
September hope every thing is OK. 


12.12.14 15.

Dear Mum & family
Have at last reached my destination and
am agreeably suprised with it and the conditions
existing  So far the weather has been glorious & the
food good. I was very glad to see Nana again he is
looking excellent and getting as fat as a pig also Leslie
is OK and looking well. And the rest of the boys
in our company are all fit & doing well some have
gone away sick & so fourth but not so many as
one might have expected Nana had some letters here
for me which I enjoyed having as you can imagine
having had no news whatever since September. I am
attached to the Machine Gun section of the 13th Batt
& find the work very interesting the gun positions &
the position country controlled by them & support given to
our chaps in the trenches etc makes one think
of the very excellent work these machine guns do
in fact it would be impossible to do without them.
Nana & self of course have different duties but my
dug out he is very close to his & we see quite a
lot of one another. Of course one loses the temporary
rank held when you arrive here but do not mind in
the least in fact it is quite nice to be a private again


I must write to the office and get them to make
my money up tell Mick I shall instruct them to
pay any money due to me into my current account
at bank N.S.W. Annandale. Was very glad to get
away from Lemnos Island was only on shore 2 days
and after being on guard 26 hours received 10 minutes
notice to pack up and be ready to leave in half
an hour which did not leave me very much time
we had to march about 3 miles to the boat loaded
with 48 hrs rations 120 rounds of ammunition rifle &
other gear then when we landed on the peninsular
had to climb hills for about 3½ miles from the beach
to a point called Durrats Post where the 4th brigade
are at present situated with all our gear so that
when we arrived there at 3 o'clock in the morning
everyone was quite glad to da drop their blankets
anywhere on the hill & turn in The noise of bullets &
shep shrapnel notwithstanding the closeness of same to
ones person had not the slightest effect on ones sleep
The bullets whiz all over the place here but one does
not worry or take any notice of same everybody doing
their bit in a most cheerful manner Have had a
couple of games of bridge here already played for 1/-
100 & won 8/- the second night I was here then last
night I long taught the school how to play Auction 


1 DRL 345  2/3

12 Dec 1915


bridge & again was lucky enough to win 10/-
we played until 120 midnight I then went on
duty until 3 o'clock in the morning & when that
time arrived was feeling fit for a good sleep which
I had. The boys enjoyed the auction bridge & reckon
they will not play the ordinary game again Have
not received any parcels or papers here yet but
the things you have sent may yet come & will be
greatly appreciated a ship containing 2000 bags of mails
for here was sunk recently so that loses of that
nature if they occur too often could account for many
things going astray however it is all in the game
When sending another parcel over I should be glad
to have some paper, envelops, a pack of cards & bridge
scorer also some chocolate but by time this letter 
reaches you we might be anywhere however you never
know your luck & if Johnny Turks bullets go close
only & one remains in the present state of good health
I shall still being going strong. Nana tells me Reg
Bull is over here away around on our right if I
can manage it one of these days we are going to 
take a walk over see him Leslie saw him & says he is
going strong lost some weight but otherwise OK. Well
dear I shall try and write regularly & let you know the
news trust you are all OK we are always talking & thinking
of you all lots of love to everybody. Bob 


Mr. Donoghue
Dear Lu,
Have at last after going through varied
experiences reached my destination for the time being
and am now going bt strong against Mr.Johnny Turk.
I find things very interesting & at times most
exciting. Here we are at present camped holding Durrats
Post which is situated about 3½ miles from the beach.
and although bullets & shrapnel whiz around close to
one at times no one takes any notice but just
goes on doing his bit We make ourselves very
comfortable here while off duty ar  all living in
dugouts which are let into the side of the hill
& they can be made very comfortable & nice with your
own little fire-place etc. In fact we have had several
visits to one anothers dugouts where we play bridge & have
small suppers etc not quite the same as an evening
out in Australia but nevertheless most enjoyable
and novel. I am at present attached to the
Machine Gun section of the 13th Batt. & find the
work most interesting & exciting. These guns are
absolutely indispensable and the good work done here by
them is astonishing. When joining my their units here all the 


reinforcements N.C.O.s lose their rank and of course start
over again as privates this was not made clear to
one in Australia but when reaching this side of the
world. one learns all sorts of things in connection
with the military business that have never been heard
of in Australia. I joined my unit here on the
7th of December 1915 & from that date my pay
will be that received by a private namely 6/- per
day. I remember aright the company are making
up the difference to £3-6-0 per week this being
so I shall have some money due to me & shall
be obliged if same is paid into my current account
with the bank of N.S.W. Annandale Sydney. If of course
I have the good fortune to improve my position &
become a Machine gun expert or a spare Colonel I shall
have pleasure in letting you know of same however
I hope to shall do my bit to the best of my ability in
whatever capacity. I had a quite a good stay in
Egypt before coming over here & some opportunities of
getting around & seeing things the place is most
fascinating & under interesting as well as instructive
Cairo is a wonderful place in many respects but in
my opinion a most immoral place in fact I have
seen things which unless one actually did see them
one would never believe such things went on. On the  

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