Letters from Robert James Henderson, 1915 - Part 3

First World War, 1914–18
  • Documents and letters
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in man meeting the after compary the especially with Away Golis not. about will To Sectir gun maching this a have at However was advised to charge a larg 12 in work very comfortable to We buck in some are have a do Have us ood. U.C. 0 veyy Sn which is lent with a Teparate mess day a two lectures programe the least seen yet at out are there night U.C. Fredlay and Had Lwirk a extra last for five lp of banks Hospital situated to the on out which went is the with came over liver who S the muses to some the see Aile Herritage the and -bout out tork Two us Garvin Sister us Sister had time a great and on out the river we took our tia with An of the company treat to and be it indeed in was a talk garls Australian were like gul again quite in Austraba the times very good nuce ings mises and all lively are with like plenty you say sporting things and giils to dsenk nothing the of lat to slan lmag we evening acciving Chrh a back 6o had we toh tip 11:30 at f.m Are Never Aushraba guls quitt + sedate till South me be haphened t she Adelarde and again Tisli Hertage from comes I received quiet very fact not my in were evening mate we that my be not Shocks know thing will many however any if it beaateful last t trp a beate up the Wle sailing in t punt me to alike night always The Moorlight weather here seems to be it beautiful Lot days and nights coot very the the same same rain in chance any country sevle to by this seems
WITH H.M. Mediterranean Expeditionary Force British Red Cross Society The Australian Branch, AND Men's Christian Association. The Young to went one night we Lase shall evelose halls flash music the aiglt great a programe had the Sydney the to Simileon stmething -better the wuch only Twote very artists werl two Australian great received a give and Abl You suoke can reception and pufor inance through the without drink thing gel to any fact in Sent. your moving from allangements the theaties after Sydney present at my Living excellent at getting to be seems rate money enough hardly 21 being her day low say cream to lce ones buy to taking boats cabs about nothing cable father proba shall out Callies
beet the Ang lo Esq tean the through to £20 Mick shortly tell To or for a up such matter if the Square letter happens a long Had thing b Cowdery w Lucy which from also letters two her. of very nece not know do Gladys Reid from desired all to Amne have what in are self keeping X Mana this have fue health in excellent life my never fel in better tw too work and hard plenty suppose only to eat we much stewell puet day once a teat get for other and fish a tenned rice adinary tin an meals when do to has n pruit Salmon nly are 5 thing ry hung mien money. no ne has middling if it cumbling us however am right then when all le Suits you
city thing up into the gets every is mail let know you wesct Again very at present fealous seeing am been have with last the for not with However them being and not pick do yf them them t Umembrance endess Bot Shall write appreciated. thrroughly on school is going the how all whom my mates friends figlt going away months 3 to be after to hope shortly there Island again Lemnos at up at t to love to lots and you
British Red Cross Society Branch The Australian AND Men's Christian Association The Voung WITH H.M. Mediterranean Expeditionary Force. Caus 10 15 24 Year Munt away crowl 90 and Mank the 6 o clock at all regrt motning last hun day nt where find but unable to A.in am Island Levens to letters gove have they completed I just clonica have or Gun Machine the weeks work at one quite interesting but very School it is is there to do as lot study a in through to get deal great a examination first 3 weeks We had our the in which was yesterday morning did description I gun the and care out macks gaining 82 faily 79 cany week we case this euch 100 in gun the mech anisu with on the interesting very work io stoppages. The And
Characturs fi Reading Mah on lectures the also we which etc. gun of history gun the Mafor 1aido from received have so for great gives a indeed He fine are fighting France i having been lecture has he months tine past the for into to bring points lots interesting o Englishman An lictures being his of and givd flow voice nice A has work 30 at lang wag up get We 1 until 6. 30 30 10 8 from then from half 20 4 a with until 2 aull Saturdays Widnesday holeday n gen Thes Sundays course about Something leare starting am to 500 her of rate bullets at the fires traverse round all an minute has amount the iagine so you Can effecient an use and the done damage army. the machine is gun Sectin in & and Sectur each to men are There to do has to be able one each course sese in case the Any the work of
rt Garvin takeing Will Liter o Gol tih another I had night accillents ets Lar from nice The and blon piss plenty the hice beze we a was full for had speaking hospetal was Seat about While ot at to the talk ttings and lots to that it lads some has the there Yack Eulyley rumour to was enquiring abot be true not may head not but this has now he gone off and his is pont at the not hospital Cowdery's friend S Jane dut Jack very till Cocks in the is ill her sums Sister Garrin but she heard not hem from ward Sle he but Sn is know the to ie nt to Something about every body. sisters are tetting the Some the Ty raineds tto tomorrow Your moon light donkey5 night invited by on was around to to decidel and not Caum and should treb ly Sparty but one the as exchest not do be letters great received some time but faw. Have not Ary fir bit mixed on to have t the fom they may gone now as things a are Mana where ever however me buttation pward back if they will are we Hav rather he knows a weeks I as where am any during receives the day about week laster for which for last An unpleasant experience git get laus die to broke And when fir was unable money then to and it if while language bank was closed was fince the for a time without Anember first enough huncy aright it is the have ever been or trusted known in this with unplisand country where you die not Sto very on 20 again shall to see does best occur do my it Hwever I that Whanpeed Mioby Best at for runberances plenty the and love course Bo
yestown Sunday 7th Nv. 1915 My dear Mum Have just completed my course at the school. and am back at Zeitorn camp among what they call the details may go away at any time now I dil quite well seering 80/0 on the whole course and have received a certificate for a macking gun sergeant of course the next thing is to get an apprentwent as such whether there are any vacancies ets however will find out when I get to the fiut The last week at the school was all right we had 2 days on the range with the gens & the rest of the time examinations both practical & & written papers Last Thurday night we had a great concert in the U.C.0s mess very select company Frence Alexander of Teek sang to us the song Sister Sousie sewing socks for soldiers ets. we all jouied in the choins also our Mafor recited we also had a girl from the Rursaal music hall to sing to us and other artists General Spence & several other officers of high rank were there the whole thing was absolutely first class and most enjoyable. Went to the Rursnal musie hall last night it was very gooll some of the iteos
(2) to especially so. Sent a cable to father yesterday ₤15 to the Anglo Egytian Bank am not yet sent. broke but am taking no risks the longer. I stay here the moret extravagent I become one commences to find out the decent places also you seem to the work oracle so as to obtain more leave take rirks without passes etc. I have not heard a word from Mana yet or received any letters from Austialia as soon as I get a chance I shall find out from the base in Cairs where he is or base any thing has happened to him this if closed not open on Saturdays or Sundays & is busy at at 5 0'Clock in week days so being the school have been nable to find out anything so far. Have had a quiet day in camk to day realling & writing out on Feiday afternoon & evening also all day Saturday & Saturday night so that I had to take life easely to day. To not know what I shall do here now, being a Machine quine nw we consider ourselves to high & mighty to mex with the infantry to which we are attached here and as there are no machive gun sections formed here suppose we shall not do much more drill W until we get to the front and attached to a however there are 3 of us together here in Sectur
went through the school together s0 a fent we intend to have a goolt time & thrrough loaf now until sent away. fancy we are supposed to entrued the lads on machine gun work but having no gun here do not see that we can do much good Kan across Jack Weedmn & Tocker here yesterday they have first arrived & were off to Caurs to have a look around? Am very curions to hear Some Australian news & how things are at home & all the news about Trummorgne folk but the mails here seem to get misced up to blazes. however of lucky I may pick up a bunch of letters for me somewhere. Lope so tome to all bt no more news at present Bob

about not going away with the company especially after meeting the man in
charge. However was advised to have a go at this machine gun section so will
have to buck in a do some work. We are very comfortable 12 in a large
tent with a separate mess for N.C.O.s which is very good. Have not
seen the programe yet. but there are at least two lectures a day.
and extra /work for N.C.Os. Had a fine trip last Friday night
went out to the Hospital which is situated on the banks of
the Nile river to see some of the nurses who came over with
us on the boat. Two of us took Sister Garvin and Sister Herritage
out on the river we took our tea and had a great time
it was indeed a treat to talk with and be in the company of an
Australian girl again quite like old times in Australia the girls were
very lively like all nurses are and with plenty of nice vegs good
things to eat and drink to say nothing of the sporting girls you
can imagine we had a tip top evening arriving back to camp
at 11.30 p.m. Never tell me South Australian girls are quiet & sedate
again Sister Herritage comes from Adelaide and she happened to be
my mate that evening we were not very quiet in fact I received
many shocks however if I know any thing it will not be my
last trip up the Nile in a sailing punt on a beat beautiful
moonlight night. The weather here seems to be always alike to me
days the same very hot and nights the same cool & beautiful it
never seems to rain in this country by any chance. 


H.M. Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
The Australian Branch, British Red Cross Society
The Young Men's Christian Association.

Last night we went to one of
the flash music halls shall enclose
the programe had a quiet night
something similar to the Sydney
Tivoli only much better the
two Australian artists were very 
good and received a great
reception. You can smoke all
through the performance and
get anything to drink without
moving from your seat. in fact
after Sydney theatres the arrangements
at excellent Living at my present
rate money seems to be getting
low 2/- per day being hardly enough
to buy ones ice-creams to say
nothing about cabs, boats, & taking
ladies out shall probably cable father 


through the Anglo Egyptian hac bank
for £20 or so shortly tell Mick to 
square the matter up if such a
thing happens. Had a long letter
[*17 oct 1915*]
from Lucy Cowdery which was
very nice of her. also two letters
from Gladys Reid do not know 
what I have done to deserve all
this. Hana & self are keeping in
excellent health in fact I have
never felt better in my life
plenty of hard work and not too
much to eat I suppose we only
get meat once a day stewed fruit
and rice or tinned fish for other
meals & when an ordinary tin
of salmon or fruit has to do
5 hungry men things are only
middling if one has no money.
however I am not grumbling it
suits me all right then when


gets up into the city everything is thoroughly appreciated. Shall write
again next mail & let you know how the school is going on
am at present very jealous seeing all my mates & friends whom
I have been with for the last 3 months going away to fight
and not being with them However hope to be there shortly after
them if I do not pick them up again at Lemnos Island.
Hoping every thing is xxxxx xxxxx you are all well at home
Kindest remembrances to all and lots of love to you
all.  Boby. 


The Australian Branch, British Red Cross Society
The Young Men's Christian Association
H.M. Mediterranean Expeditionary Force.

Dear Mum
Hana and the crowd got away
last Monday morning all right at 6 o'clock
a.m. but am unable to find out where
they have gone to either Lemnos Island
or Selonica. I have just completed
one weeks work at the Machine Gun
School it is very interesting but quite
a lot of study to do as there is
a great deal to get through in
3 weeks. We had our first examination
yesterday morning which was in the
care and description of the gun I did
fairly gaining 79 & 82 marks out of
100 in each case this week we carry 
on with the mechanism of the gun
and stoppages. The work is very interesting 


also the lectures on Map Reading Characteristics
of the gun history of gun etc. which we
have so far received from Major Pardo
are indeed fine He gives a great
lecture having been in France fighting
for the past nine months he has
lots of interesting points to bring into
his lectures & being an Englishman
has a nice voice and good flow of
language We get up at 5-30 work
from 6-30 - 8-30 then from 10 until 1
and 2 until 4-30 with a half
holiday on Wednesdays & Saturdays
& of course Sundays off. This gun
I am starting to learn something about
fires bullets at the rate of 500 per
minute & has an all round traverse
so you can imagine the amount of
damage done and the use an efficient
a machine gun section is in the army.
There are 6 men to each section and
of course each one has to be able to do
the work of any of the six, in case of 


accidents etc Last night I had another good trip on Nile taking Sister Garvin
for a blow. The moon was full and the breeze just nice we had plenty of nice
things to eat and lots to talk about While out at the hospital I was speaking
to some of the lads there was enquiring about Jack Edgley. Rumour has it that
he has gone off his head and is not now at the front but this may not be true
tell Jane Cocks. Jack Cowdery's friend is very ill in the hospital I did not
see him but heard from Sister Garvin, he is not in her ward but she seems
to ever know something about everybody. Some of the sisters are riding out to the
Pyramids on donkeys by moonlight tomorrow night I was invited to join the
party but decided not to as one cannot work & fly around and work to the trip should
be great fun. Have not received any letters for some time but do not expect
to now as things are a bit mixed here & they may have gone on to the
battalion wherever they are however Hana will forward back to me if he
receives any during the next 2 weeks as he knows where I am. Had rather
an unpleasant experience last week - for which lasted for about 3 days
I was broke and unable to get to Cairo for money then when I did get
to the bank it was closed language was fierce for a while and if I
remember aright it is the first time I have ever been without enough money
to go on very unpleasant in this country where you die "not known or trusted"
However I shall do my best to see that it does not occur again.
Best love & remembrances to all and of course plenty for the Whanfried Moby.



7th Nov. 1915
My dear Mum
Have just completed my course at the school
and am back at Zeitoun camp among what they
call the details may go away at any time now.
I did quire well scoring 80% on the whole course

and have received a certificate for a machine gun
sergeant of course the next thing is to get an
appointment as such whether there are any vacancies
etc however will find out when I get to the
front The last week at the school was all right
we had 2 days on the range with the guns &
the rest of the time examinations both practical &
theor & written papers. Last Thursday night we had
a great concert in the N.C.O's mess. very select
company Prince Alexander of Teck sang to us the
song Sister Sousie sewing socks for soldiers etc. we
all joined in the chorus. also our Major recited
we also had a girl from the Kursaal music hall
to sing to us and other artists General Spence
& several other officers of high rank were there
the whole thing was absolutely first class and
most enjoyable. Went to the Kursaal music hall
last night it was very good some of the items 


especially so. Sent a cable to father yesterday to
sent £15 to the Anglo Egyptian Bank am not yet
broke but am taking no risks the longer I stay here
the more extrant extravagent I become one commences
to find out the decent places also you seem to
work the oracle so as to obtain more leave take risks
without passes etc. I have not heard a word from
Hana yet or received any letters from Australia
as soon as I get a chance I shall find
out from the base in Cairo where he is or
if anything has happened to him this base 
is not open on Saturdays or Sundays & closes
at 5 o'clock on week days so being busy at
the school have been unable to find out anything
so far. Have had a quiet day in camp to-day.
reading & writing out on Friday afternoon & evening
also all day Saturday & Sunday night so that
I had to take life easily to day. Do not know
what I shall do here now, being a Machine Gunner
now we consider ourselves to high & mighty to mix
with the infantry to which we are attached here
and as there are no machine gun sections formed
here suppose we shall not do much more drill
until we get to the front and become attached to a
section however there are 3 of us together here in 


a tent we went through the school together so
intend to have a good time & a thorough loaf now
until sent away. fancy we are supposed to instruct
the lads on machine gun work but having no
gun here do not see that we can do much good.
Ran across Jack Weedon & Docka here yesterday they
have just arrived & were off to Cairo to have a look
around. Am very curious to hear some Australian news
& how things are at home & all the news about
Drummoyne folk but the mails here seem to get
mixed up to blazes. however if lucky I may pick
up a bunch of letters for me somewhere. hope so.
no more news at present lots of love to all

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Jacqueline KennedyJacqueline Kennedy
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