Letters from Robert Edmund Antill to his Parents, 1916 - Part 10 of 13

First World War, 1914–18
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Cton t 1228 14 Batt No L Command Depot Ceoham Downs. Cat. Nov. 11 1916 Dear Mothe, Received ypaut most belcome letter yesterday, it had been delayed at the past office down here for a while so you see it was late m reaching ae, you want to know if recicued dallies Barcel & your letter about, opes I recieved them both & also a parced from Roley. I am sending you abother £3t look after me. got it last night it costm & nights steep but I dont mind that its wordnet dont you think you know its so slow, wre that the only thing to do is to have a ittle goouble we play very after but Hlast night was a bit fextra & my wck was in at one time I had over a tenner bnd prnconed up thes
morning £5 to the ood so I had to traat them all of am sencling ofam the rest Well, I sapose things are goin on much aboout the fame at home + wol well. as for myself I am think we will be shitking from ner is an other cans beforln & right glad I shall be o fortthis plancl it about the warst place on We are in nto now o the have got me, but cpl of this ae I have but a great many 14men some are gain thack t Frane tomorrow. I have heard today from very good authority that the Anstralian hav been simply cut t pieces, a dain tthe Somhe of the HDw down waswhas been pocticly wiped yo of exstence & as you chn goes they de trying to keep it dark for a while they are eniting men back from here
ffact, as ther can to reenforce the a others at I tell you they don't get me till after kmad &, then I will go back willingly, I would like to see some of them down here who havent had a go in before me this time. wtall maw I will winal up hoping you are all in ine penk Believe me t be Your very lovenf Son Bot
1228 14 Batt AAJ. No 2 Ward Brigade Hosp Perham Downs 14/4/16 Vix, Andover. Hants Dear Mother. You will see fror the address that I am back in hep again I soke cloan again yesterday mal yap went ap a ghit & I was fealing bather gaver CoI reported to the doctor & t putmy in here again. my Bidgeys, are rather soe & I think I Iam getting a warl, at a stretcure, but I am verys prelaced to be able to say if is only shghlf he ye giving me medicing & Haskell him it I would name to be opple on but he sald ho whene as a gess relieved me a great deal I receeved your most beleeve porsel + I can tell you those little cakes (were U.I. One
question I was goin to ask you is. Dis Elen make the a hage talls to schol I conk know when magses me at but it happenest to pass through wer mind lost night. 150 doy is a proper freeger a by my feet been told, all day opo can art gss how we cath if doen of onteseplain a few days ago the fag was very navy Hing ady lettle ea to give I will dgaws to a close hoping one & all are well of home. Believe me to be Year very loving Son Bot MEMO
DS. Hope Youreceret last makin Iall told. £3 sofe


1228 14 Batt
No 1 Command Depot
Perham Downs. Est.
Nov. 11 1916

Dear Mother,
Recieved your most welcome
letter yesterday, it had been delayed at
the post office down here for a while so
you see it was late in reaching me,
you want to know if I received Lallie's
parcel & your letter about, yes I recieved
them both & also a parcel from Roley.
I am sending you another £3 to look
after for me. I got it last night it cost me
a nights sleep but I dont mind
that its worth it dont you think. you
know its so slow here that the only
thing to do is to have a little
gamble we play very often but
last night was a bit extra & my
luck was in at one time I had over
a tenner but finished up this



morning £5 to the good so I had to
treat them all & I am sending you
the rest.
Well I supose things are goin on
much about the same at home &
as for myself I am fairly well.
I think we will be shifting from
here to an other camp before long
& right glad I shall be too for this
is about the worst place in England.
We are in huts now & they have got
me hut Cpl of this one.
I have met a great many 14 men &
some are goin back to France
I have heard today from very good
authority that the Australians have
been simply cut to pieces again
down on the Somme & the 4 Div.
I was in has been practicly wiped out
of existence & as you can gess they
are trying to keep it dark for a while
they are sending men back from here 



as fast as they can to reinforce the
others but I tell you they dont get me
till after Xmas & then I will go
back willingly. I would like to see
some of them down here who havent
had a go in before me this time.
Well now I will wind up hoping
you are all in the pink
Believe me to be
Your very loving Son


14 Batt A. I. F.
No 2 Ward
Brigade Hosp
Perham Downs
Via Andover.

Dear Mother,
You will see by the address that
I am back in hosp again I broke down again
yesterday my temp went up a bit & I was fealing
rather queer so I reported to the doctor & he put me
in here again.  my kidneys are rather sore & I
think I am getting a touch of a stritcure, but
I am very pleased to be able to say it is
only slight, he is giving me medicine for it
& I asked him if I would have to be operated
on but he said "No" which as you can gess
relieved me a great deal.
I recieved your most welcome parcel & I can
tell you those little cakes were A.1. One


question I was goin to ask you is. Did Elsie
make those sausage rolls at school. I dont know
what makes me ask but it happened to
pass through my mind last night.
Today is a proper freezer why my feet have
been cold all day You can just gess how
we cath it down af on these plains &
a few days ago the fog was very heavy
Having very little news to give you I will
draw to a close hoping one & all are well at
Believe me to be
Your very loving Son


P.S. Hope you recieved last £3 safe
making 9 all told.

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